I take fun seriously, or better: have serious fun. I make everything I approach seriously fun, which takes a toll on my results, making everything beautiful and precise (like German meeting French on a hot summer night). I could have been a great plastic surgeon if it wasn’t for my belief that everyone’s beautiful if you know how to look. That took me on a path of creative technology and photography, finding art in everything I do (yes, programming is an art). I’ll take you with me on my journey to the stars, having serious fun along the way.
Throughout good and bad, I have Jasmina on my side, for which I’m super grateful cause I wouldn’t be able to do half of things I do without her continuous support.
great photo…the one where you dance!!! ๐
Thanks Antonia! ๐
I’m glad you like it ๐
Im new to this site. I just stumbled upon ot and felt fortunate. Im beginning a new career from Graphic Arts to Photography due to a hand injury when young. Complicated by malpractice.
I was the artist for the USFWS. US Fish & Wildlife Service. Ive had reconstructive surgeries and have taughtmyself many new skills. I purchased and familiarized myself with Photoshop & illustrator mainly and have purchased a middle of the road Canon Rebel T2i.
I really love the HDR stuff im seeing. What pays bills and what I love are often divergent. ๐
My names Dietz Stoltman
Anything else?
Hi Dietz!
Getting from Graphic Arts to Photography doesn’t seem like a long jump, and if you like it too, it may turn out great ๐
Being an artist (or photographer) for the USFWS sounds great too, close to what National Geographic photographers do, isn’t it?