I take fun seriously, or better: have serious fun. I make everything I approach seriously fun, which takes a toll on my results, making everything beautiful and precise (like German meeting French on a hot summer night). I could have been a great plastic surgeon if it wasn’t for my belief that everyone’s beautiful if you know how to look. That took me on a path of creative technology and photography, finding art in everything I do (yes, programming is an art). I’ll take you with me on my journey to the stars, having serious fun along the way.
Throughout good and bad, I have Jasmina on my side, for which I’m super grateful cause I wouldn’t be able to do half of things I do without her continuous support.
great photo…the one where you dance!!!
Thanks Antonia!

I’m glad you like it
Im new to this site. I just stumbled upon ot and felt fortunate. Im beginning a new career from Graphic Arts to Photography due to a hand injury when young. Complicated by malpractice.
I was the artist for the USFWS. US Fish & Wildlife Service. Ive had reconstructive surgeries and have taughtmyself many new skills. I purchased and familiarized myself with Photoshop & illustrator mainly and have purchased a middle of the road Canon Rebel T2i.
I really love the HDR stuff im seeing. What pays bills and what I love are often divergent.
My names Dietz Stoltman
Anything else?
Hi Dietz!
Getting from Graphic Arts to Photography doesn’t seem like a long jump, and if you like it too, it may turn out great
Being an artist (or photographer) for the USFWS sounds great too, close to what National Geographic photographers do, isn’t it?