Colorful Season

 Colorful Season

Autumn has started showing its signs.

A new school year has started, as you can notice by the groups of kids gathering on the sidewalks periodically with backpacks full of books and whatnot. This has always been a sign for me that another summer went by.

Even though summer isn’t technically over yet, temperatures began dropping and trees started changing their looks and redressing for the (as announced) warm autumn.

We’re entering the colorful part of the year! ๐Ÿ˜€

Have you seen the signs of fall yet? What’s your favorite season?



It was one of those everything-is-possible moments.
The moment of self-realization and unity with nature.

The ground became the sky and the sky became the ground.
We became the pieces of everything.

With an apocalypse-like thunderstorm only kilometres away and heading our way, I fiddled with the camera’s settings, trying to get some lightnings in frame, like a good-boy-photographer should.

Luckily (for this shot, at least), I’m not a good-boy-photographer (I’m not a bad-boy-photographer either, I think…), so half of my eye was on this beauty here.

When I sensed her relaxing like never before, I forgot everything about the lightning catching and used my secret silent-ninja-sneak-run to get to the shoot position without scaring her. I felt like a wild-life photographer for the first time…

Being in unity with everything helped. Nature played along!
When too-slow-for-hand-held shutter released, nature released a lightning shock too.
“Now that’s why she was recharging here”, I finally figured when the image appeared on the screen.

I believe everyone wishes, at least from time to time, for an energy burst like this.

So rest your eyes on this, recharge and come back winning! ๐Ÿ˜€

Do you think this one was worth repeating?

Not So Lonely

 Not So Lonely

…as you may think.

There is a great difference between being alone and being lonely. I, like many of you, know it quite well.

One of the greatest challenges in life is surrounding yourself with people who fulfill you.
The kind that doesn’t make you feel lonely even when you’re alone, because you know they’re thinking of you (or they will be when you call them at 2am to ask them if they’re asleep).
The kind that supports you and pushes you to do your best and go forward towards the realization of your hopes and dreams (even if that means spanking you for waking them up in the middle of the night to ask stupid questions).

I like to believe we all find those people sooner or later.

I hope you find yours sooner ๐Ÿ™‚

Embrace The Unknown

 Embrace The Unknown

This might be the toughest thing for us to do.

The Unknown is something we are afraid of (if we believe what those smarter-than-us people tell us).

I say the heck with it. Everything is unknown until we get to know it.
Don’t talk to strangers. Seriously? Everybody was a stranger once! I wouldn’t know anyone if I listened to that crap ๐Ÿ˜›

Embrace the unknown!

Do one thing you’re afraid of every day! Do it as an experiment, you might like the results ๐Ÿ˜‰

Choose carefully!